Posted on 9/23/2016 by Dr. Andrew Zeiger |
It can be a bit scary to face a tooth extraction, especially when the extraction is unexpected due to trauma. Have no fear, we have just the tips that you should know in order to weather the storm and come out smelling like daisies! Tooth extractions are very common and no matter what the reason, we have the knowledge and expertise to guide you back to a healthy and happy mouth. The Blood Clot is ImportantWhen a tooth is extracted we will pack the site with gauze in order to stop the flow of blood. Soon after (30 minutes to an hour) the blood will have formed a clot in the site.This blood clot is key to the site healing successfully. In order to ensure that the clot stays put, it is important not to explore the site with your tongue. Sometimes it can be tempting to feel around when things change dramatically in your mouth, in this case, try your best not to. During the healing process it is important not to use straws to drink with and smoking is definitely not advisable. Suction in the oral cavity can cause the blood clot to break loose. Allow Time to HealOver the next couple of days make sure to be mindful of the extraction site. Eating things that are hard or pointy could pose a risk to the site and ought to be avoided. Take pain killers as directed and try to stay comfortable.Consider Tooth ReplacementIt is important to replace teeth as they are lost. Dental implants offer a great tooth replacement option that gives you all the advantages of a real tooth.If teeth are lost and not replaced, there is a high likelihood that further tooth loss will occur. Permanent and removable dental bridges also offer great tooth replacement options. Please contact us if you have any questions about teeth extractions. |
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