Posted on 1/20/2018 by Dr. Andrew Zeiger |
![]() It is what makes up most of your teeth and when it starts to wear away, this is when tooth sensitivity starts to happen. If you have ever wondered why some things are making your teeth hurt more when they never did before, it is most likely because the dentin under the enamel is starting to expose. Facts About DentinHave you ever wondered why your teeth start to turn yellow? It is the exposure of the dentin. Dentin is yellow in color and once your teeth start to turn yellow, you know the dentin is exposed. The dentin is located under the enamel of the crown and under the cementum in the root.The enamel is what makes your teeth white and the dentin that makes them turn yellow once it starts to expose. If you do not brush properly, floss regularly, or visit your dentist for checkups and regular cleanings, the dentin will start to expose and your teeth will turn yellow. Dentin Repairs ItselfDentin can repair itself because the cells it is made from, called odontoblasts, stay viable even after the teeth start coming up in your mouth. The good thing about dentin is that if it starts to wear away, another layer appears for your mouth.Although this may seem like a good thing, try to care better for your teeth because although dentin can repair itself, your enamel cannot and once it starts to wear away, it is gone for good. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (928) 277-0076 today. |
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